It's setting now, the sun is leaving me. Such a short time ago I retrieved this fire.
Hoisted on my back, we caught up on gestures and tones AT&T can't reproduce. I had my family for the summer.
Baked. So close to the sun, my skin blackens and I didn't recognize myself. All the music, arguing, laughter, crying and cooking; my solitary self recedes to let the family man through. A Black man with his suns and daughters, getting blacker in their light.
Breeze. Whispers from the pages of a calendar about the first day of school and accrued vacation. So much undone, so much accomplished, a lot of hugs. Honesty blushes for solitude. The duality doesn't subtract from my love, but only years have taught me that.
The sun is heading for the chariot, packing for the trip across the sky. The shadows grow long, touch my face, dry my tears.
Baked. So close to the sun, my skin blackens and I didn't recognize myself. All the music, arguing, laughter, crying and cooking; my solitary self recedes to let the family man through. A Black man with his suns and daughters, getting blacker in their light.
Breeze. Whispers from the pages of a calendar about the first day of school and accrued vacation. So much undone, so much accomplished, a lot of hugs. Honesty blushes for solitude. The duality doesn't subtract from my love, but only years have taught me that.
The sun is heading for the chariot, packing for the trip across the sky. The shadows grow long, touch my face, dry my tears.
Photo: drinking glass near desk lamp taken w/iPhone 3Gs and Lo-Mob app.