only when a client and this daemon cross paths by calling the same person or by
the client checking credit card statements is the presence of the entity realized.
daemons are children of the net; as such they store copies of themselves
everywhere. Retail anti-malware products aren't capable of handling this kind
of entity; you need a special kind of hacker - an exorcist.
of our clients was a retired official from Department of Homeland Security. A
daemon had been born and was surfing all the porn he used to, but was using his
public login credentials, instead of the anonymous govt credentials he used
while employed. Everything is logged on EchoNet, so DHS contacted him.
took his case, after we confirm that he no longer surfed for free pornography, which is illegal.
He had 13 terabytes of the stuff on local storage, which is also illegal.
tricked the daemon with a fake nude volley website. It downloaded pictures which had code in the headers triggering a suicide (or deletion) routine. After some weeks, the removal of the entity from the net was
investigation revealed a possible link between creation of this daemon and the
conviction of a member of Anonymous, the hacker activist group. We choose to
withhold that information from the client.
photo credit: laptop on glass table, above photos. Taken with my iPhone 4S, Hipstamatic app (Jane lens, Pistil Film, Jolly Rainbo 2x Flash)
photo credit: laptop on glass table, above photos. Taken with my iPhone 4S, Hipstamatic app (Jane lens, Pistil Film, Jolly Rainbo 2x Flash)
copyright 2012 Johnathan Clifton Harding